a mindful way to drink tea

visiting frieds in helsinki i was asked to take some pictures for promotional use of their newly launched and well received enterprise in the tea business. they conduct ceremonies distributing 'only teas without added artificial aromas. they must be organic (EU-certificate) and/or we have experienced the tea be clean (no pesticides/herbicides/chemical fertilizers,…). in our experience these teas generally offer a better experience. we want to promote only tea which is healthy for the farmer, the people drinking it and for the nature. the whole process — growing the tea, processing the leaves and brewing the tea in your cup — has to be of high quality.'

'our goal in the tea ceremony is to offer the guest as good a tea experience as possible. usually this means a happy, relaxed but awake state where you will forget your everyday troubles. some call this state of mind meditation but there is no dogma attached to our ceremonies. our ceremonies are not part of any religion or school. the main focus is to just sit still and enjoy the tea. sometimes a strong tea experience can release emotional trauma.'

for more information and bookings take a look here.